Love, Mommy!!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
My little ladybugs
Love, Mommy!!!
Peanut Update...
Wow, my baby is growing so fast...My only regret is that I am not documenting every precious moment. The truth is I hate this blogging. I just wish their was a better way for me to keep up to date on important things. I wonder if their is an App. for that.? ...LOL...As I am typing, my Peanut is trying to push the buttons on my laptop. She is so big and mobile now. She is not quiet crawling but she can make her way across the room on her belly. She does this side to side motion as she crawls. It looks like she is swimming to me. Aaron says it looks like she is waddling.
Today, during school , Pumpkin noticed her clapping as she pushed the music button on her activity center. Everyone got so excited and started clapping at her and she continued to clap and showed excitement. I wanted to see her clap so I clappled and said YEAH, then she started clapping again and has been clapping all day.
Peanut is 7 months old now and this month she also gave Aaron and I kisses for the first time. We were just sitting on the couch and I told her, "Give mommy kisses", then she lend forward and put her lips against my face. Then I told her, "Give Daddy kisses", and she did the same thing. She went back and forth a few time but has not done it again since then.
She is also offically a sitter, not a supported sitter, but a geniune big girl sitter. Occasionally, I think she forgets she is sitting and falls back. (It's kinda funny). This past weekend she was able to sit in a shopping cart and high chair all by her self. Writing all this just make me want to cry.
Well, I guess that it for now I need to stop her from eating her Dad's shoes.
Thank you Lord Jesus for a beautiful baby girl.
Today, during school , Pumpkin noticed her clapping as she pushed the music button on her activity center. Everyone got so excited and started clapping at her and she continued to clap and showed excitement. I wanted to see her clap so I clappled and said YEAH, then she started clapping again and has been clapping all day.
Peanut is 7 months old now and this month she also gave Aaron and I kisses for the first time. We were just sitting on the couch and I told her, "Give mommy kisses", then she lend forward and put her lips against my face. Then I told her, "Give Daddy kisses", and she did the same thing. She went back and forth a few time but has not done it again since then.
She is also offically a sitter, not a supported sitter, but a geniune big girl sitter. Occasionally, I think she forgets she is sitting and falls back. (It's kinda funny). This past weekend she was able to sit in a shopping cart and high chair all by her self. Writing all this just make me want to cry.
Well, I guess that it for now I need to stop her from eating her Dad's shoes.
Thank you Lord Jesus for a beautiful baby girl.
Home School Update...
Things are going well with my home school group. We have had lots of fun and done many activities. It's going to be a great year.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Home School
With the birth of my Peanut, I did not want to go back to work. I prayed for a way to stay home but still be able to provide some income. As it is promised God does provide and he did just that for me. He provided a way for me to stay home with Peanut and make a little money too. I have opened up a home school academy and so far it has been wonderful. I have named it New Faith Christian Home School Academy. This opportunity also lets me do what I love-TEACH. Currently I am homeschooling my Pumpkin and 3 other children. I have set up a really nice classroom in my home. It's a really great classroom with 3 computers, cubbies and a library. I even have a wonderful teacher assistant, who helps me out with Peanut during the day while I teach. The best thing is I get to stay home with Peanut and still nurse her. I love that I am Pumpkins teacher and we have gotten so close. One thing I have learned from homeschool is that Pumpkin really has grown up. She is becoming a beautiful young lady, way to fast. Thank you God for provided a way for me to stay at home with my children, TEACH, and make some money for my family.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Vacuum Monster & The Nightlight
We have discovered that Peanut, now five months old, is afraid of the vacuum cleaner. Yesterday, Pumpkin was vacuuming around her and she freaked out. She cried like someone was beating her, when I picked her up I could feel her heart beating rapidly. It was kind of funny and heartbreaking at the same time. Her fear of vaccum is shared with our cat sylvester. (I wonder if I put a broom near hear if she'll hiss and hit it?) Sorry inside joke...
I wonder where these fears come from because Peanut has been afraid of the dark since she was born. Pumpkin was also afraid of the dark too. As a matter of fact Pumpkin just gave up her nightlight this past summer.
I wonder where these fears come from because Peanut has been afraid of the dark since she was born. Pumpkin was also afraid of the dark too. As a matter of fact Pumpkin just gave up her nightlight this past summer.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Artist in the making....
Yesterday, Pumpkin, Peanut, and I joined the Evans in Portland for pottery painting. It was a lot of fun. Pumpkin turned a turtle into an avatar (she currently is obsessed with avatar). She had a great time hanging out with her best friend Alaina and just talking and painting. I had a great time too... just speaking girl talk with Amanda. I am so glad she has allowed us to be a part of her family. I would of never even considered doing an activity like this. Amanda, thank you for making me a better mother. Amanda and I also made Peanut's footprints on a tile. It was really cute because the paint brush tickled her little feet. I can't wait to go back.

Friday, July 30, 2010
Upward Bound Basketball..
Thursday, July 29, 2010
My Little Elf

As you can see she also inherited her Daddy's ears. We should have dressed her up as an elf. You've got to love those ears.
Mother Nature is Cruel....
Warning: This post is about my period, so if this subject makes your queasy or seems just gross I would not read it. You have officially been warned.
Today is Thursday, July 29, 2010 and its been an entire year since I had a period; this month last year I found out I was pregnant. First off, I am a bit disappointed that I started my period because I am exclusively nursing and was hoping to be one of those lucky woman who didn't have a period until they weaned their baby. Well, as luck will have it-- I am not one of those woman. My Peanut has begun sleeping through the night and only nursing an average of one to two times at night, which is why mother nature has returned. Today has been a horrible day, with lots of cramps, heavy bleeding, and mood swings. Don't forget this is my first period since giving birth and the first one tends to be the worst. On top of that I have a teething 4 month old who has been nursing all day. For some odd reason when she is nursing my cramps tend to intensify, or at least it seems this way. I also have a nine year old who thinks and acts like she is 14. If she rolls her eyes at me one more time I am going to BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, the you know what out of her. Oh and not to mention I can offically get pregnant again. Ugh, so not ready for that yet. I do want to have another baby but not for at least two years.
I also have been trying to get my classroom ready, pay bills, and E-invite friends and family to my Jewerly party. I fought all freaking day with the E-invite website. Its has taken me all darn day to figure out how to import my contacts. I finally gave up, after almost throwing my laptop across the room, then Aaron gets home and completes the entire process in less then 5 minutes. Gosh, I hate him sometimes. So right now I just want to take some Tylenol, eat chocolate ice cream, and watch a movie. Mother Nature go to H E double hockey sticks.
Today is Thursday, July 29, 2010 and its been an entire year since I had a period; this month last year I found out I was pregnant. First off, I am a bit disappointed that I started my period because I am exclusively nursing and was hoping to be one of those lucky woman who didn't have a period until they weaned their baby. Well, as luck will have it-- I am not one of those woman. My Peanut has begun sleeping through the night and only nursing an average of one to two times at night, which is why mother nature has returned. Today has been a horrible day, with lots of cramps, heavy bleeding, and mood swings. Don't forget this is my first period since giving birth and the first one tends to be the worst. On top of that I have a teething 4 month old who has been nursing all day. For some odd reason when she is nursing my cramps tend to intensify, or at least it seems this way. I also have a nine year old who thinks and acts like she is 14. If she rolls her eyes at me one more time I am going to BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, the you know what out of her. Oh and not to mention I can offically get pregnant again. Ugh, so not ready for that yet. I do want to have another baby but not for at least two years.
I also have been trying to get my classroom ready, pay bills, and E-invite friends and family to my Jewerly party. I fought all freaking day with the E-invite website. Its has taken me all darn day to figure out how to import my contacts. I finally gave up, after almost throwing my laptop across the room, then Aaron gets home and completes the entire process in less then 5 minutes. Gosh, I hate him sometimes. So right now I just want to take some Tylenol, eat chocolate ice cream, and watch a movie. Mother Nature go to H E double hockey sticks.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The journey of Breastfeeding...
As I sit here nursing my Peanut I feel a sense of pride. She such a pro nurser with perfect posture and latch on, I see her jaw move perfectly as she drinks my milk. This relationship was not always a good one.
My journey began when I was pregnant. I didn't nurse Pumpkin so I didn't think to much about nursing Peanut. Sure I'd give it a try but it was not a big deal to me weather or not she nursed. My co-worker and great friend Amanda Evans began telling me how important breastfeeding was. She turned me on to a Dr. Sear's Breastfeeding book and I was convinced. Once Peanut arrived it was hard. In the hospital she didn't want to nurse. The hospital staff showed no support. So she did have a few bottles and even got a pacifier. By the time I got home I hated breastfeeding. It was so hard, Peanut cried, my nipples were sore and even bleed at one point. My friend Amanda sent one of her friends over, who was a lactation consultant, she help me but also kind of scared me. I hated the idea that my life would consist of pure nursing 24/7 and everybody and everything else would come second in my life. I continued praying and reading books about breastfeeding and looking up stuff online. It was enough to encourage me not to give up. Once I was over my sourness I keep on nursing with an occasional bottle to give myself a break. Everyone keep saying it would get better but I was not feeling that. I cried and pleaded to Aaron, " I can't do this". Aaron was so Pro Breastfeeding and supportive in this endeavor and I believe this was a main reason I kept on. Even though he said it would be okay if I didn't nurse, his body language said otherwise. So I keep on nursing and reading about breastfeeding. Night nursing was impossible and Emma just could not do it she was so tiny and my breasts were to big ,I felt she would suffocate. Though I heard so many great things about night nursing it was not possible for us (Another failure in the journey of breastfeeding).
I eventually started attending La Leche League meeting which help me greatly and encouraged me to keep on. I recall one meeting where the Leader posed a question, "What would you change about breastfeeding if you could start over?" My answer was, " I would not breastfeed". I was serious I hated breastfeeding and it was so hard, I would quit everyday. I vowed never to breastfeed another child again. I keep reading books, talking with Amanda and Aaron and attending LLL meetings and it slowly got better and easier. I was slowly beginning to enjoy breastfeeding. I know the bond between my daughter and I was so strong. I don't recall feeling so physically close to Pumpkin. I can read my daughters wants and needs even before she cries. We even learned to night nurse and its great.
Peanut has exclusively breastfeed since she was about 2 months old. As crazy as my journey has been thus far, I love breastfeeding my daughter and if and when I have another child, "Yes, I would breastfeed". Peanut is only 3 months old now so our journey continues. I would like to someday even be a La Leche League Leader and share my journey. Thank you God for giving the strength, knowledge, and support group I needed to be successful.
My journey began when I was pregnant. I didn't nurse Pumpkin so I didn't think to much about nursing Peanut. Sure I'd give it a try but it was not a big deal to me weather or not she nursed. My co-worker and great friend Amanda Evans began telling me how important breastfeeding was. She turned me on to a Dr. Sear's Breastfeeding book and I was convinced. Once Peanut arrived it was hard. In the hospital she didn't want to nurse. The hospital staff showed no support. So she did have a few bottles and even got a pacifier. By the time I got home I hated breastfeeding. It was so hard, Peanut cried, my nipples were sore and even bleed at one point. My friend Amanda sent one of her friends over, who was a lactation consultant, she help me but also kind of scared me. I hated the idea that my life would consist of pure nursing 24/7 and everybody and everything else would come second in my life. I continued praying and reading books about breastfeeding and looking up stuff online. It was enough to encourage me not to give up. Once I was over my sourness I keep on nursing with an occasional bottle to give myself a break. Everyone keep saying it would get better but I was not feeling that. I cried and pleaded to Aaron, " I can't do this". Aaron was so Pro Breastfeeding and supportive in this endeavor and I believe this was a main reason I kept on. Even though he said it would be okay if I didn't nurse, his body language said otherwise. So I keep on nursing and reading about breastfeeding. Night nursing was impossible and Emma just could not do it she was so tiny and my breasts were to big ,I felt she would suffocate. Though I heard so many great things about night nursing it was not possible for us (Another failure in the journey of breastfeeding).
I eventually started attending La Leche League meeting which help me greatly and encouraged me to keep on. I recall one meeting where the Leader posed a question, "What would you change about breastfeeding if you could start over?" My answer was, " I would not breastfeed". I was serious I hated breastfeeding and it was so hard, I would quit everyday. I vowed never to breastfeed another child again. I keep reading books, talking with Amanda and Aaron and attending LLL meetings and it slowly got better and easier. I was slowly beginning to enjoy breastfeeding. I know the bond between my daughter and I was so strong. I don't recall feeling so physically close to Pumpkin. I can read my daughters wants and needs even before she cries. We even learned to night nurse and its great.
Peanut has exclusively breastfeed since she was about 2 months old. As crazy as my journey has been thus far, I love breastfeeding my daughter and if and when I have another child, "Yes, I would breastfeed". Peanut is only 3 months old now so our journey continues. I would like to someday even be a La Leche League Leader and share my journey. Thank you God for giving the strength, knowledge, and support group I needed to be successful.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Aaron's 1st Father's Day...
Yesterday was Aaron's first father's day...Offically...Aaron has been a step-father to Pumpkin for about 6 years. I'd have to say he has done a pretty good job because Pumpkin has told me on many occasions that she loves Aaron. However, Pumpkin was three years old when Aaron became apart of our life and he didn't know her as a helpless infant. Now with the birth of our Peanut he has experienced the miracle of life from the very beginning. From the joy of finding out that I was pregnant to morning sickness, kicking, and birth. Now (3 months old) she is laughing out loud, cooing, screaming, smiling and reaching out for everything and putting it in her mouth. Thus far Aaron has been and incredible father (besides the fact that he does not help between the hours of 11pm-6am) and my father's day desire for my husband is that he grows closer to our God and becomes a Godly example to our family. I pray that Peanut teaches him to put others before himself and patience. I pray that God leads Aaron to be the kind of father he created him to be. Thank you Aaron for being such a great father, step-father, and husband. I love you.
Friday, June 18, 2010
New Background
OK, OK, you are probably thinking. What is up with the Eclipse background but in honor of the upcoming movie (12 days) I post this background. All woman wish they had an Edward and Jacob wooing after them.
Go Team Edward.
Go Team Edward.
On June 14th my Pumpkin left for Camp Zephyr. It was a bitter sweet for me because it was the first time she had been away from me for such a long time. She is getting so big (now considered a pre-teen). I have to admit I was really glad to see her eyes tear up when she talked about leaving for camp. This is a special mild-stone in my daughter life.
I know I shouldn't want to see Pumpkin get upset but these specific tears give me a sense of satisfaction that she is still my little girl. I know, I am a horrible mother. The fact that she recently spent the night at a friends house, cried, and Aaron had to go pick her up at 10pm makes me wonder how she was gonna do with no mommy to tuck her in at night or say prayers with her.
Well, Pumpkin is coming home today (I cant wait) and she did awesome. Amanda said she teared up the first night but other then that she did great. I spoke with Peanut twice this week and she told me she was having so much fun and is already making plans to go back next year. Thank you God for such a wonderful daughter.
I know I shouldn't want to see Pumpkin get upset but these specific tears give me a sense of satisfaction that she is still my little girl. I know, I am a horrible mother. The fact that she recently spent the night at a friends house, cried, and Aaron had to go pick her up at 10pm makes me wonder how she was gonna do with no mommy to tuck her in at night or say prayers with her.
Well, Pumpkin is coming home today (I cant wait) and she did awesome. Amanda said she teared up the first night but other then that she did great. I spoke with Peanut twice this week and she told me she was having so much fun and is already making plans to go back next year. Thank you God for such a wonderful daughter.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Our Beautiful Peanut...
Peanut is so big now. She will be 12 weeks old this Tuesday and is already giggling and has discovered she has hands. She is such a beautiful baby. She is also spoiled rotten and a mommy's girl; she always wants my attention 24/7. I love her so much she is definitely an angel from heaven.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Our little Peanut...

Here is our beautiful angle from Heaven, Our Little Peanut. Born on March 9, 2010 at 4.23pm pm. She weighed 7lbs. 4oz. and was 19 3/4 inches long.
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