Monday, June 21, 2010

Aaron's 1st Father's Day...

Yesterday was Aaron's first father's day...Offically...Aaron has been a step-father to Pumpkin for about 6 years. I'd have to say he has done a pretty good job because Pumpkin has told me on many occasions that she loves Aaron. However, Pumpkin was three years old when Aaron became apart of our life and he didn't know her as a helpless infant. Now with the birth of our Peanut he has experienced the miracle of life from the very beginning. From the joy of finding out that I was pregnant to morning sickness, kicking, and birth. Now (3 months old) she is laughing out loud, cooing, screaming, smiling and reaching out for everything and putting it in her mouth. Thus far Aaron has been and incredible father (besides the fact that he does not help between the hours of 11pm-6am) and my father's day desire for my husband is that he grows closer to our God and becomes a Godly example to our family. I pray that Peanut teaches him to put others before himself and patience. I pray that God leads Aaron to be the kind of father he created him to be. Thank you Aaron for being such a great father, step-father, and husband. I love you.

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