Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mother Nature is Cruel....

Warning: This post is about my period, so if this subject makes your queasy or seems just gross I would not read it. You have officially been warned.

Today is Thursday, July 29, 2010 and its been an entire year since I had a period; this month last year I found out I was pregnant. First off, I am a bit disappointed that I started my period because I am exclusively nursing and was hoping to be one of those lucky woman who didn't have a period until they weaned their baby. Well, as luck will have it-- I am not one of those woman. My Peanut has begun sleeping through the night and only nursing an average of one to two times at night, which is why mother nature has returned. Today has been a horrible day, with lots of cramps, heavy bleeding, and mood swings. Don't forget this is my first period since giving birth and the first one tends to be the worst. On top of that I have a teething 4 month old who has been nursing all day. For some odd reason when she is nursing my cramps tend to intensify, or at least it seems this way. I also have a nine year old who thinks and acts like she is 14. If she rolls her eyes at me one more time I am going to BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, the you know what out of her. Oh and not to mention I can offically get pregnant again. Ugh, so not ready for that yet. I do want to have another baby but not for at least two years.

I also have been trying to get my classroom ready, pay bills, and E-invite friends and family to my Jewerly party. I fought all freaking day with the E-invite website. Its has taken me all darn day to figure out how to import my contacts. I finally gave up, after almost throwing my laptop across the room, then Aaron gets home and completes the entire process in less then 5 minutes. Gosh, I hate him sometimes. So right now I just want to take some Tylenol, eat chocolate ice cream, and watch a movie. Mother Nature go to H E double hockey sticks.

1 comment:

  1. PMS stinks...Everytime!

    But i love that you are blogging!

