Friday, May 6, 2011

Peanut Update...

Peanut will be 14 months on May 9, 2010. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. The last time I had an Peanut update she was 8 months old. She is now walking, talking and driving me crazy (but I am loving every minute of it). She is so smart and rotten at the same time. She throws tanturms already. She can say at least 20 words and loves for us to read her books. She loves to dance and her favorite show right now is Barney. She just sings and dances to Barney evertime we put it on and squeals with excitement when I tell her let go see Barney. She recently was completly moved to her crib and has been doing really well. She now only wakes up one, maybe two times at night. She still nurses and just loves her "ba ba". Her are a few pictures of our angel.

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