Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The Last Day of May....2011
Well today is Tuesday, May 31, 2011 and it was a great day. I didn't sleep in (wished I would of), instead I got up and cleaned my living room. Although my goal is to slowly clean and de-clutter my entire house, I also plan to do it slowly. Because its summer I decided I would not stay home all day and clean. So the girls and I ate lunch, got dressed, and headed to the movies. We picked up my niece Merissa too. We went to the Dollar Cinema to see Dairy of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick rules Again...What can we say its a great movie. This was however, Merissa first time seeing the movie. I was so proud of my Peanut because she was a good baby thur the entire movie. She was such a big girl too and sat in her own chair on a booster seat with her pooh bear blankie. She ate goldfish and drank her sippy cup. It was so cute and she looked so big. I tried to take a pic but it was way to dark in the theatre. We spent the afternoon together at home.....just chilling. It was a great day.
Memorial Weekend...2011
We had a great weekend...I love it when my husband is off. We didn't do anything wild or crazy. On Saturday, we went shopping in the morning, mainly for meat for the Memorial Day Bar-b-que and stopped by Lowe's to buy a table for my classroom. We worked on various projects throughout the house. On Sunday we went to church and finally got to see Thor. It was okay, Aaron and Debbie really liked it. On Monday Aaron bar-b-que ribs and sausage. Again we just hung out and worked around the house.
Peanut did get her first haircut today. Her bangs were just way to long and my poor baby could not even see anymore. I held her down while Debbie cut her bangs. She did great and best of all she can see again. We saved her hair but didn't take any before and after pics becasue we did it spur of the moment. It was a great relaxing weekend with the family.
Thank you to all the men & woman who served our country to make this day possible.
Peanut did get her first haircut today. Her bangs were just way to long and my poor baby could not even see anymore. I held her down while Debbie cut her bangs. She did great and best of all she can see again. We saved her hair but didn't take any before and after pics becasue we did it spur of the moment. It was a great relaxing weekend with the family.
Thank you to all the men & woman who served our country to make this day possible.
1st Day of Summer- 2011
The first day of Summer was very relaxing and fun. My girls and I woke up, ate breakfast, and got into our swim suits(Well the girls got into theirs,I did not). When we got into the car I knew we were going to have a great summer. The car smelled of sunblock and insect repellent(Mosquito season is in full swing). We were invited by Mrs. Illiana & Mrs. Merissa to spend the last day of school with them during their annual end of the year "Water Day". Pumpkin and Peanut immersed into the water and they both had a great time. We enjoyed a hotdog bar-b-que followed by Mrs. DiDi's famous homemade ice cream. I had chocolate and Pumpkin had vanilla. Peanut was past out from all the swimming during ice-cream time. However, Mrs. Illiana gave her cheetos for the first time and she loved them. As a matter of fact, she fell asleep eating a cheeto. It was so adorable.
I spent some well needed quality time with Mrs. Illiana, Mrs. Merissa and Mr. Miller. I really do miss working with them. Eveyone was just amazed of how much Emma has grown. They were also trying to convience me to go back to work next year when Cathedral gets 2nd & 3rd grade again. I'll just have to see about that one, right now I am going to enjoy my new job as wife and mother. Well I have always been a mother and wife(for the past three years) but now I have decided to stay at home. I don't know how long but I plan to enjoy this season of my life.
Later that day, I spend some time with my sister and her kiddos just hanging out and talking. I love when we get time to do that. Aaron & I spent the evening at the Executive Surf Club with his co-workers. Someone was having a going away party. After awhile we had decided to go see Thor at the movies but when we got there it was sold out. Oh well, we went home and spend time with Peanut and just hung out at the house. That night Pumpkin spend the night with Amethsyt, which is her most favorite thing to do. Summer is in full swing and we are ready. It was a perfect day. Thank you God!
I spent some well needed quality time with Mrs. Illiana, Mrs. Merissa and Mr. Miller. I really do miss working with them. Eveyone was just amazed of how much Emma has grown. They were also trying to convience me to go back to work next year when Cathedral gets 2nd & 3rd grade again. I'll just have to see about that one, right now I am going to enjoy my new job as wife and mother. Well I have always been a mother and wife(for the past three years) but now I have decided to stay at home. I don't know how long but I plan to enjoy this season of my life.
Later that day, I spend some time with my sister and her kiddos just hanging out and talking. I love when we get time to do that. Aaron & I spent the evening at the Executive Surf Club with his co-workers. Someone was having a going away party. After awhile we had decided to go see Thor at the movies but when we got there it was sold out. Oh well, we went home and spend time with Peanut and just hung out at the house. That night Pumpkin spend the night with Amethsyt, which is her most favorite thing to do. Summer is in full swing and we are ready. It was a perfect day. Thank you God!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Peanut Update...
Peanut will be 14 months on May 9, 2010. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. The last time I had an Peanut update she was 8 months old. She is now walking, talking and driving me crazy (but I am loving every minute of it). She is so smart and rotten at the same time. She throws tanturms already. She can say at least 20 words and loves for us to read her books. She loves to dance and her favorite show right now is Barney. She just sings and dances to Barney evertime we put it on and squeals with excitement when I tell her let go see Barney. She recently was completly moved to her crib and has been doing really well. She now only wakes up one, maybe two times at night. She still nurses and just loves her "ba ba". Her are a few pictures of our angel.

Pumpkin's 10th Birthday Dinner/Party
Pumpkin celebrated her 10th Birthday at home with a special dinner and close friends and family. I called it a birthday dinner and Aaron said it was a party. We disagreed as to what exactly the event was. In the end, we agreed to disagree. It was really funny. Anyway, she did have decorations, a cake, a pineta, and presents, so maybe...just maybe it was a small party. She had a great time with her friends and family. Happy Birthday Sweetheart. Here are some pics:

Her famous birhtday cake, that I personally made and decorated!!!

My Birthday Girl

Ariel & Emma

Ariel's partners in crime
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