Monday, January 9, 2012

Learning about continents - My Father's World

My Father's World is an amazing curriculum that we are using this year. The curriculum begins with a one-year foundation in geography, entitled Exploring Countries & Cultures. The first part of the study begins with learning the continents and oceans, as an end of the unit review, Pumpkin made this continent cake.

In addition to the cake, Pumpkin had to understand how a map is not to scale since the world is round and maps are flat. She was taught maps are not to scale because a continent on a flat map has to be stretched out to show everything. It's an abstract idea to grasp but drawing the continents on an orange, peeling it, and lying it flat was a great hands-on demonstration activity.

1 comment:

  1. Great post!! I followed you over from the ECC Facebook group. :)

