On June 12, 2011, The Dominguez Family did something for the very first time, we hung out at the beach...It's extremely odd that we live here in Corpus Christi where the beach is our back yard and yet in the 7 years Aaron and I have been together we had never done this...The Evans and Adams Family invited us to "Chill" at the beach and I knew Aaron wouldn't want to do this (He does not like the beach). I asked Aaron if he wanted to go and to my surprise he said, "Yes". We had a great time(or at least I did)Aaron never complained about it so I guess he had fun too.
Basically we hung out with good friends and chit chatted about everything. Peanut loved the beach, at first she was not to sure about the texture of the sand on her feet but eventually she grew to love the sand, so much it became her favorite snack of the day. Peanut ate tons of sand that day.
Also I had s'mores for the very first time IN MY LIFE...and they were AWESOME!!!!!! We had a wonderful time with our friends and created awesome memories as a family.
The only thing that was missing was my Pumpkin, she was in California with her dad in Hollywood. She had taken a vacation to Universal Studios with her dad that week. I am sure she was having way more fun in Hollywood, CA then she would of on the beach of Corpus Christi, TX.
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